Tag Archives: quick & easy meals

Amazing Grass!

Living in San Francisco and saying that I found “amazing grass” can certainly be confused for a few different things! But now that I’m cooking more, eating healthy has become a bi-product of what I crave. I’m becoming more and more comfortable in the natural food stores and craving foods that are fresh and natural. I have to say, the first time I walked into Rainbow Grocery, I was very intimidated. Everyone knew what they were doing and shopping “in bulk” and for all sorts of strange ingredients. I was pretty scared, being that I came from a “clueless” place. Now that I’ve been to quite a few “health” or natural food stores – I love that they have so many more options than the small “organic” sections at the big grocers which always seem a bit out-of-place – as if the marketing department at HQ said, “let’s get an organic section up asap.”

Back to that “amazing grass.” So, I was visiting Nature’s Food Patch on a visit to Clearwater, Florida looking for a healthy shake mix to get me started in the mornings and I found the most YUMMY mix ever. It’s called Amazing Meal (Chocolate Infusion) and it’s made by Amazing Grass, a San Francisco-based company! Ironic that I found it on the opposite coast when it’s made in my backyard. I mix it with almond milk and add 1/2 banana sometimes and although I love it because it tastes great, here are a few extra perks: it’s organic, raw, vegan, dairy free, non-gmo, gluten-free and soy free.

Check your local natural market or visit them at http://www.amazinggrass.com/ or in the Facebook world of course.


Speaking of vegan…by matter of pure coincidence, my brilliant cartoonist & comedian friend, Michael Capozzola, emailed his latest FOOD cartoon creation to me today. Enjoy and check out more of his work at http://www.capozzola.com/ or at the Chronicle.

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If you could only eat ONE thing…

We all love playing this game: “If you could only eat ONE thing FOREVER, what would it be?” How many times have you played that?! I love the dramatic tone of this age-old question. I have a constant battle between sushi and pizza!

This came up while making homemade pizza this past week. It was so good! Pizza is something that both kids and adults love so much…sushi? maybe in Japan. Here are some tips for great homemade pizza. Try it this week and don’t forget to get some great RED wine to go along with it!

  1. Buy Fresh Dough! Almost all pizza shops sell it. Otherwise, grab some at Trader Joe’s or check with your baker in the supermarket. It usually costs $3 or less for enough to make a large pie or 2 small ones.
  2. It’s in the Sauce: Sauce matters. Many argue that it’s more important than cheese. I love Pomi brand, straight from Italy and very high quality. A local Italian shop is worth the find for this and other delicacies.
  3. Keep it Simple: This part is easy. Pick a few fresh ingredients that you love, be it traditional pepperoni, mushrooms, sausage or something fancier.
  4. Top with Fresh Basil: Basil and tomatoes were meant to be together. Make sure to buy FRESH basil and put it on the pizza just a couple of minutes before it’s ready (otherwise it will sadly wilt and burn).
  5. Share with Friends: This is a quick and fun meal you can make with friends. Don’t fret about having things ready when they arrive. Put them to work – rolling dough, chopping ingredients or pouring wine. They’ll love it.

Quickie Recipe for Homemade Pizza:

  • Allow fresh dough to settle at room temperature for about 35-40 minutes (easier to roll)
  • Pre-heat oven to 500 degrees
  • Roll fresh dough with rolling-pin or round object (i.e. pint glass) onto pizza stone, crisper or baking sheet. To prevent sticking, dust rolling-pin or object lightly with flour.
  • Spread layer of tomato sauce over rolled out dough. We love Pomi Marinara sauce, but you can make your own or use a favorite jar of pasta sauce to save time.
  • Add favorite toppings
  • Place pizza in the pre-heated oven. It should take anywhere from 15-20 minutes depending on your oven and your preference for crispness. Set your timer!! Check at 10 minutes and then add time as necessary until you get to know your oven and it’s power.

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A Blog About Sausage?

I have to tell you that I never thought I would be writing about sausage. I know guys love it, so maybe I’ll have more manly men reading my post this week :0). My mother might say that it’s vulgar, but I just have to tell you about my new fascination with FRESH sausage (I know that sounds funny, keep adult commentary to yourselves).

Back to the kitchen…it’s easy to get very bored when you’re first learning how to cook, so I’m always looking to iStock_000002395168XSmalltry new things – something other than chicken breast, you know? Last month, I was cruising the meats section of my supermarket and noticed some fresh Italian sausage on sale, next to fresh andouille and fresh chorizo. I grabbed a couple packs and headed home to experiment. After an easy 12-minute boil for the Italian sausage, I threw it into Deborah Dal Fovo’s spaghetti al pomodoro recipe. The next night, we made German-Style grilled sausage and mashed potatoes! SO DELICIOUS! The andouille was used in an awesome egg scramble for brunch and the chorizo, home-style burritos. Now, we make a sausage meal about once a week. Really easy, since the sausages come wonderfully seasoned and it’s great to buy them fresh (less preservatives and all that stuff)!

Here’s a favorite savory sausage recipe variation from a Kiwi cookbook I bought while traveling in New Zealand a few years ago:


  • 6 pork sausages
  • 1 large onion
  • 1/4 cup sugar
  • 1 ounce malt vinegar (30 ml)
  • 1 cooking apple
  • 1/4 cup flour
  • 1/2 ounce Worcester sauce (15 ml)
  • 5 ounces water (150 ml)

Coarsely chop apple, onion and place in casserole dish. Mix in other ingredients and submerge sausage in the mixture. Cover and slow cook at 250 degrees F for 2 hours. Serve with creamy mashed potatoes and green beans or peas.

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